Former President Uhuru Kenyatta's Fuel Cards Blocked in March 2023, Reveals Kanze Dena

Former President Uhuru Kenyatta's Fuel Cards Blocked in March 2023, Reveals Kanze Dena
Oscar Whitfield Jun, 11 2024


In a significant revelation, Kanze Dena, former President Uhuru Kenyatta's spokesperson, announced that Kenyatta's fuel cards were blocked in March 2023. This decision signifies more than just a logistical hiccup; it underscores the complex and often tense relations surrounding a former head of state's entitlement and post-presidency benefits.

The Fuel Card Incident

According to Kanze Dena, the block on Uhuru Kenyatta’s fuel cards dates back to March 2023. A fuel card might seem a minor aspect of post-presidency life, but its blocking indicates a substantial shift in policy or personal relations with the government. For a man who had led Kenya for a decade, being denied the customary provisions that facilitate everyday movements certainly raises eyebrows. Former presidents in many countries are often accorded certain privileges to not only honor their service but ensure their security and mobility. The fuel cards, alongside other logistical resources previously provided to Kenyatta, were part of this package. The abrupt cessation of this service marks a poignant moment, hinting at deeper underlying issues.

Old Vehicles and Staff Contract Renewals

Old Vehicles and Staff Contract Renewals

In addition to the blocked fuel cards, Kenyatta received old vehicles as part of his post-presidency provisions. It's notable that these vehicles might not be equipped to offer the security and reliability expected for a former president. But more concerning, perhaps, is the government's refusal to renew contracts for two of Kenyatta’s staff members. Staff members close to a former president are essential for managing various affairs and ensuring that the transition to civilian life is smooth. The lack of renewal could signify a deliberate move to weaken Kenyatta's post-presidential operations. This comes against the backdrop of Kenya’s dynamic political landscape, where allegiances shift, and various factions vie for power and influence.

Kanze Dena's Role and Revelations

Kanze Dena has been a steadfast spokesperson for Uhuru Kenyatta, providing insights into the former president's official narrative. Her revelation about the fuel cards and staff matters offers a window into the broader challenges Kenyatta has been facing since leaving office. But why would these cards be blocked? And why now? One potential reason could be budgetary limitations. Governments worldwide are tightening their belts, and as economic strains become more pronounced, even former heads of state may find their benefits reevaluated. However, political motivations cannot be ruled out. In a country where political rivalries are often intense and personal, these moves might be strategic, aimed at either sidelining or bringing Kenyatta back into the political fray.

The Broader Implications

The Broader Implications

Beyond the immediate inconvenience to Kenyatta, these developments speak to the broader state of Kenyan politics. The withdrawal of privileges from a former president isn't merely an administrative decision but a political statement. It suggests a recalibration of how past leaders are perceived and treated. Furthermore, this incident may have ripple effects on how future leaders plan their exit strategies and post-presidency lives. The political landscape in Kenya has always been tumultuous, with alliances forming and breaking with swift regularity. Such moves could further polarize or consolidate power within certain circles, leading to shifts in political alignments.

Public and Political Reactions

Public and political reactions to this revelation are likely to be mixed. For Kenyatta’s supporters, this could be seen as a blatant act of disrespect and a sign of underlying political vendettas. For his detractors, it might be viewed as a necessary step in reevaluating post-presidency privileges in light of contemporary needs and economic situations. As the news spreads, contrasting opinions will emerge, adding layers to the already intricate weave of Kenyan politics.

The Way Forward

The Way Forward

The road ahead remains uncertain, both for Kenyatta and for Kenyan politics at large. Decisions like these often serve as a precursor to wider policy shifts. If the government can block Kenyatta’s fuel cards, what other measures might be on the horizon? Will this become a trend, affecting other former leaders, or is it a unique case tied to specific political dynamics? Only time will provide answers. In the meantime, the Kenyan populace, political analysts, and international observers will be closely watching how these events unfold and what they portend for the future of Kenyan democracy and governance.